Veranstaltung: Summer School “Making Theory Work” (online) vom 06.-10. September, Leibniz Universität Hannover

Vom 06.-10. September findet die vom BMBF finanzierte Summer School “Making Theory Work” aus der Reihe HERSS (Higher Education Research and Science Studies) statt.


How to Make Theory Work in Higher Education Research and Science Studies

How to Make Theory Work in Higher Education Research and Science Studies

How do you do theory ? While the craft of methods and empirical work more generally is often made explicit in higher education research and science studies, theory work usually remains implicit. The aim of the summer school is to make explicit how we work with theories, and how we make them work. We would like to discuss the craft of theorizing, explore routines and strategies of doing theory, think about opportunities and blind spots of theory work, and uncover the positions and relations theories can have in our research. The summer school will give early career researchers in higher education research and science studies the opportunity of a reflexive hands-on approach to theory. It will provide a context to reflect the theory work in one’s own research and discuss it with eminent scholars of theorizing in the fields of higher education research and science studies and beyond.

Der Call für die Teilnahme ist geschlossen. Die drei Keynotes von Gabriel Abend, Jana Bacevic und Monika Krause sind aber für ein breiteres Publikum geöffnet. Unter dem folgenden Link stehen alle weiteren Informationen, inklusive der genauen Daten für die Keynotes und der Emailadresse für die Anmeldungen:

Die Summer School findet im digitalen Format statt.

Das vollständige Programm der Summer School finden Sie hier:
