Call for Abstracts: Panel “Infrastructure & Materiality” at the 2023, March 15th to 17th 2023

We are excited to inform you about our panel “Infrastructure & Materiality” at the 2023, March 15th to 17th.

Please submit your English abstract as pdf until October 16th 2022.

We particularly welcome contributions that discuss one of the following questions:

  • How can discourses and practices in different contexts and with the ‘glasses’ of different disciplines be understood against the background of infrastructural formations and materiality and its agency?
  • What conditionsunderlie discursive and praxeological formations?
  • How do discourses and practices of negotiationtake shape and
  • what structural effectsresult from them?
  • What’s risks and opportunities derive from the use of such concepts in specific, empirical cases?

These questions are only a few possible options to explore within our panel. We also encourage contributions that enhance that range of scope. To find out more about our panel, please see CfA attached.