UPDATE: The initiative on forming an STS-network in Germany has gone through some meta-organiztational shifts and welcomes the formation of two new working groups: “Funding proposals” (APSs: Simon Egbert, Kathrin Eitel) and “Organizational form” (APs: Ingmar Lippert, Estrid Sørensen). The funding group is currently working on a DFG-proposal for scientific networks, and the group on organizational form will develop suggestions for institutional forms that will be helpful for reaching different aims, and likely to be variants of the Verein. Like the existing working groups, the new working groups are inviting input! If you are interested in joining them, especially if you are not already stsing (=involved in STSinG), please contact the Access Points mentioned above via the website. Furthermore, the “infrastructure group”, which among other things had organized the workshop in Kassel in February, has been disbanded. The functions the group fulfilled prior the workshop will be adapted to the more rhizomatic, decentralized structure of the working groups that came out of the meeting in Kassel.
PODCAST: The student initiative GeFKa e.V. (Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie Frankfurt/Main) comments on current events from an anthropology and STS perspective in their monthly radio show. In April this concerned the STS in Germany organizational meeting in Kassel, February 20-21st 2019. The podcast with impressions and statements can be stremed via castbox: https://castbox.fm/va/2075726