Autor: dests

Call for Applications: Summer School “Posthuman Knowledge(s)” (19-23 August 2019, Utrecht, NL)

This is a call for applications for the Summer School “Posthuman Knowledge(s)” by Prof. Rosi Braidotti taking place in Utrecht (Netherlands) form August 19 until August 23, 2019. The intensive course “Posthuman Knowledge(s)” offers an …

Call for Papers: Workshop on Critical Data Science (Munich, June 11, 2019)

Workshop on Critical Data Science at the 13th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM-2019), Munich, Germany, June 11, 2019 Submissions deadline: March 25, 2019 Acceptance notification: April 12, 2019 ————- The …

Workshop: The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: Philosophical and Historical Dimensions (Bochum, 21st – 22nd March 2019)

The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: Philosophical and Historical Dimensions, Ruhr University Bochum, 21st – 22nd March 2019 This workshop will bring together scholars from history and philosophy of biology as well as biologists who have worked …

Call for applications: Summer school “Responsible Innovation Cultures International Summer School”  (Munich, 14-18/10/2019)

The Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS, Technical University of Munich) will host the 5th annual German Summer School of Higher Education Research and Science Studies (HERSS) on “Responsible Innovation Cultures International Summer School” …

Call for Posters: International Symposium of the Volkswagen Foundation (Hanover, 13-14th June 2019)

The International Symposium of the Volkswagen Foundation “Academia in the Age of Comparison: Methodological and Empirical Perspectives in an Interdisciplinary Dialogue” will take place at the Conference Center Herrenhausen Palace, Hannover, Germany, 13-14th June 2019 …

Stellenangebot: PostDoc Graduiertenkolleg (Speyer)

Die Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer sucht zum 1. Juli 2019für zunächst vier Jahre im Rahmen des vom BMBF-geförderten Graduiertenkollegs „Wissenschaftsmanagement und Wissenschaftskommunikation als forschungsbasierte Praxen der Wissenschaftssystementwicklung: Teilprojekt Speyer“ eine/n Postdoc (m/w/d)(Eingruppierung nach TV-L …

Call for Abstracts: Special Issue on “Economy 4.0 – The digitalization of labor from a gender perspective” in Gender and Research

The journal Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research announces a call for abstracts for aspecial issue on Economy 4.0 – The digitalization of labor from a gender perspective, edited by Annette von Aleman, Julia …

Stellenangebote: 2 Lehrstuhlstellen (E13, E14) “Digitalisierung in der Arbeitswelt” (Institut für Arbeitsmedizin, Charité, Berlin)

Am Institut für Arbeitsmedizin der Charité sind im interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekte zu „Digitalisierung in der Arbeitswelt” 2 Lehrstuhlstellen (E14 bis 05.03.19 und E13 bis 28.02.19) mit diversen Disziplinen zu besetzen, gerne mit Erfahrungen in den Bereichen …