Autor: lynn

Stellenangebot: PhD Candidate (75%) in Platform Algorithms and Digital Propaganda (Qualitative Analysis) at Weizenbaum Institute

The Weizenbaum-Institut e.V. invites scholars to apply for the position of PhD Candidate in Platform Algorithms and Digital Propaganda (Qualitative Analysis). The start date of this PhD position (75%) is as soon as possible. Deadline …

Stellenangebot: Student research assistant in the research group “Data, Algorithmic Systems and Ethics” at the Weizenbaum Institute/TU Berlin

The TU research group “Data, Algorithmic Systems and Ethics” at the Weizenbaum Institute is looking for a student research assistant (80 hours/month). Application deadline: November 7, 2022. Responsibilities: – Research on scientific topics, including human-computer interaction, …

Extended Deadline Call for Papers: “Epistemic dizziness” STS-Hub 2023, new deadline October 31st 2022

Call for Papers: Special Topic Panel at STS-hub 2023 “Circulations”, March 15th – 17th, Human Technology Center in Aachen. Epistemic dizziness. Coping with the side effects of the fast-paced circulation of metaphors and figures in …

Call for Abstracts: Workshop on Digital Urban Twins, February 28th and March 1st 2023, Munich, deadline November 15th 2022

Digital Urban Twins (and related terms capturing the phenomenon, such as Urban Twins, Digital Twin Cities, City-scale digital twins, …) are emerging phenomena in the context of urban planning and governance. The term refers to …

Veranstaltung: Research Workshop “Reflecting Intelligent Transformations in Healthcare: What’s Critical?”, November 14th 2022, Stuttgart

Workshop “Reflecting Intelligent Transformations in Healthcare: What’s Critical?” – 14 Nov. 2022, 10.00-17.0 Workshop with Klaus Hoeyer (University of Copenhagen), Matthias Braun (University of Bonn, remotely), Ingrid Schneider (University of Hamburg) and Wolfgang Hauser (University …

Stellenangebot: 2 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen (50%) im BMBF-Verbundprojekt “Pflegeschätze” an der Technischen Hochschule Köln

Die Fakultät für Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften der Technischen Hochschule Köln sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zwei wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen für das vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderte Verbundprojekt Identifizierung, Visualisierung und Transfer familiärer Innovationen aus dem …

Stellenangebot: PhD Position (30hrs/week) in Political Communication at Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences

The Political Communication Research Group at the Department of Communication of the University of Vienna studies the interaction between political elites, media, and citizens. Current research is focused on understanding how and under which conditions political elites …

Veranstaltung: c:o/re Lecture Series “Cultures of Research”, Winter Term 2022/23, Aachen & Online

Join us for the c:o/re Lecture Series “Cultures of Research” in the Winter Term 2022/23! Time: Wednesdays 5.00 to 6.30pm, in presence and online. Registration: Please send an email to: to register for the lecture series and …

Veranstaltung: CELLS Winter Speaker Series “Technoscience Beyond the Nation-State”, October-December 2022, Online

Dear colleagues, You are invited to join us for the CELLS Winter Speaker Series: Technoscience Beyond the Nation-State. All events are online; register (and read more) at links below. “Manifesting Intrinsic and Metaphysical Philippine Knowing-Being into …