Autor: Ronja Rieger

Stellenangebot: 3 Professorships in Politics & Technology, TU München, Deadline: 12.03.2024

Call for Applications for 3 Professorships in Politics & Technology at TU München in the following research areas: Political Theory and Philosophy Political Economy Governance, Diversity and Algorithms Deadline: 12.03.2024 See more:

Stellenangebot: Wiss. Referent*in (29,25Std, 1 Jahr) für das Projekt “Bestand gemeinschaftlich nutzen; Perspektiven für Familien?”, Deutsches Jugendinstitut, Deadline: 14.02.2024

Für das Projekt „Bestand gemeinschaftlich nutzen: Perspektiven für Familien?” (BegeFa) wird gesucht: Wissenschaftliche Referentin / Wissenschaftlicher Referent (m/w/d), zum 01.04.2024 bis 31.03.2025 Das Projekt wird in Kooperation mit dem Lehrstuhl für Urban Design an der …

Stellenangebot: Prae-Doctoral researcher (75%, 24 month) within the project “The Cultural Political Economy of Bitcoin in the Global South”, Department of Political Science of the University of Vienna

Prae-doctoral researcher within the project „The Cultural Political Economy of Bitcoin in the Global South.” (BITELSA) (Department of Political Science) of the University of Vienna for two years (24 month) Bitcoin (BTC) became legal tender …

Stellenangebot: scientific coordinator (100%, bis 31.12.2027) at the Collaborative Research Center 1187 Media of Cooperation, University of Siegen, Deadline: 14.02.2024

The University of Siegen is a modern university with an international orientation and a focus on interdisciplinary research. It currently has around 15,000 students and covers a range of research fields from the humanities, social …

Call for Papers (extended deadline): STS Conference “Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies”, 06.-08.05.2024, Graz, Deadline: 02.02.2024

The call for abstracts for the upcoming STS Conference in Graz, Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, held from May 6–8, 2024 (hybrid event) has been extended to February 2, 2024. It is …

Call for Papers: 36th Annual CHER conference “Higher Education and Science Future(s): Trends, Imaginaries, and Alternatives”, 04.-06.09.2024, Luxemburg, Deadline:

36th Annual CHER conference – “Higher Education and Science Future(s): Trends, Imaginaries, and Alternatives” The presentation will be organized in five streams: Education, Research & Innovation, Third Mission & Impact, Governance & Internationalization, and Open …

Veranstaltung: Two Talks by Massimiano Bucchi, 25.01 & 26.01. each 12pm, München

Seminar Thursday January 25th 2024, 12pm: “Distrustful and misinformed? Ideological stereotypes of citizens in science communication” Biotopia Lab, Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg, Menzinger Str. 65, 80638 München For the Seminar at the Biotopia Lab, please RSVP …

Veranstaltung: Interdisziplinärer Zukunftsworkshop “being tagged! Printable RFID”, 29.02.-01.03.2024, Essen

Einladung zum interdisziplinären Zukunftsworkshop “being tagged! Printable RFID – eine Neuordnung der Welt?” 29.02.-01.03.2024 im SANAA-Gebäude auf dem Gelände der Zeche Zollverein (Weltkulturerbe) in Essen Der Workshop wird Expert:innen verschiedenster Disziplinen zusammenbringen, um gemeinsam die …

Call for Papers: Arbeitstagung Situationsanalyse, 10.-11.04.2024, Tübingen, Deadline: 15.02.2024

Call for Abstracts: Arbeitstagung Situationsanalyse Im Vorfeld der Spring School Qualitativ Forschen 2024 (s. in Tübingen laden wir herzlich zu einer Arbeitstagung am 10. und 11. April ein, um work in progress zu diskutieren …