Kategorie: Call for papers

Call for Abstracts: Workshop “Forms and consequences of failure in science” (19-21 July 2023, Berlin), deadline January 31, 2023

– Call for Abstracts – Forms and consequences of failure in science Workshop on 19-21 July 2023, Berlin Organized by Jochen Gläser, Michael Borggräfe, Tobias Lehmann (Technical University of Berlin)   This workshop is motivated …

Call for Abstracts: Workshop “Making liveable (STS) worlds through reflexive methods” (May 31 – June 2, 2023, Vienna), deadline February 20, 2023

Call for Workshop Papers: Making liveable (STS) worlds through reflexive methods Vienna, Austria Wednesday 31 May – Friday, 2 June 2023   Drawing on a long tradition of and commitment to reflexivity, situatedness, and positionality …

Call for Abstracts: “Dark Sides of Digital Societies” The 7th Annual NKL Conference (May 24-26, 2023, Fulda), deadline January 31, 2023

‘Dark Sides of Digital Societies’ The 7th Annual NKL Conference Date: May 24-26, 2023 Location: Hochschule Fulda | Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Germany The Navigating Knowledge Landscapes (NKL) research network has employed the metaphor …

Call for Abstracts: “(M)eating the future: technologies, materialities, and politics of food” (STS Graz 2023, May 8-10), deadline January 30th 2023

Dear colleagues, we invite you to submit an abstract for our session “F.4 (M)eating the future: technologies, materialities, and politics of food” (https://stsconf.tugraz.at/calls/sessions-in-food-systems/) in the upcoming STS Conference in Graz https://stsconf.tugraz.at/, held from May 8.-10. …

Call for Abstracts: TATuP-Special topic “Assessing the (de)construction of technological hypes”, deadline 03 February 2023

Call for Abstracts: “Assessing the (de)construction of technological hypes”TATuP-Special topic in Volume 31, Issue 3 (2023) Guest editors of this TATuP Special topic: Jascha Bareis: Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Karlsruhe Institute …

Call for Abstracts: “Bringing STS and the sociologies of work and organization together: A joint perspective for understanding digitalization?” (STS Graz 2023, May 8-10), deadline January 30th 2023

STS Graz 2023  May 8th-10th 2023, Graz, Austria.  Panel: “Bringing STS and the sociologies of work and organization together: A joint perspective for understanding digitalization?” (Digitalization of Society, Society and AI) Abstract Submission: https://stsconf.tugraz.at/calls/call-for-abstracts/ Deadline: 30.01.2023  …

Call for Contributions – Fristverlängerung: Sammelband “Digitale Spiele während und nach der Pandemie”, neue Deadline 15.12.2022

Call for Contributions Sammelband im Beltz Juventa-Verlag Digitale Spiele während und nach der Pandemie – Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf die Nutzung, Relevanz und Funktion digitaler Spiele Neue Frist: Für das Einreichen von Abstracts ist der …

Call for Abstracts: Workshop on Digital Urban Twins, February 28th and March 1st 2023, Munich, deadline November 15th 2022

Digital Urban Twins (and related terms capturing the phenomenon, such as Urban Twins, Digital Twin Cities, City-scale digital twins, …) are emerging phenomena in the context of urban planning and governance. The term refers to …

Fristverlängerung Call for Abtracts: Walkshop “Circulating Referees” STS-Hub 2023, new deadline October 31st 2022

Call for abstracts: Walkshop “Circulating Referees – Looking for Irritations with Spaces and Places of Science“ Dear colleagues, We invite abstracts for the panel “Circulating Referees – Looking for Irritations with Spaces and Places of …