Kategorie: Call for …

Call for Abstracts: Panel “Metadata work with a thousand faces: Data care and behind the scenes labour in cultural heritage” at STS-Hub 2023, deadline October 31st 2022

Call for Abstracts Panel “Metadata work with a thousand faces: Data care and behind the scenes labour in cultural heritage” Convenor: Quoc-Tan Tran (University of Hamburg), Discussant: Gertraud Koch (University of Hamburg) In the past …

Call for Participation: Stsing – 2nd General Assembly, September 23rd. 2022, 13-17 hrs (online)

Online: https://tinyurl.com/stsingGA2022 On site in hubs in Berlin, Bochum and Frankfurt a.M.: https://tinyurl.com/stsinghubs 23.09.2022 13:00 Keynote: Dagmar Lorenz-Mayer (Charles University Prague): “Crafting Solarity: Sensing Energetic Entanglements, Re-articulating Solar Infrastructure” 14:00 General Assembly Opening the 2nd General Assembly …

Call for Papers: Special Topic Panel “Epistemic dizziness” at STS-hub 2023 “Circulations” March 15th – 17th, Human Technology Center in Aachen.

Epistemic dizziness. Coping with the side effects of the fast-paced circulation of metaphors and figures in STS. The vertigo triggered by the circulation of ideas and pictures in our research field can be intense. We …

Call for Abstracts: Special Topic Panel “How useful are the classics for the social studies of science and technology today?” at STS-hub 2023 “Circulations” March 15th – 17th, Human Technology Center in Aachen.

PANEL: How useful are the classics for the social studies of science and technology today? Jointly organized by stsing.org and gwtf.de Panel organizers: Tanja Bogusz (tanja.bogusz@uni-hamburg.de) Estrid Sørensen (estrid.sorensen@rub.de) Jochen Gläser (jochen.glaeser@tu-berlin.de) Cornelius Schubert (cornelius.schubert@tu-dortmund.de) …

Call for Abstracts: Panel “Infrastructure & Materiality” at the STS-Hub.de 2023, March 15th to 17th 2023

We are excited to inform you about our panel “Infrastructure & Materiality” at the STS-Hub.de 2023, March 15th to 17th. Please submit your English abstract as pdf until October 16th 2022. We particularly welcome contributions that discuss …

Call for Papers: Panel “What makes data circulation possible?” at STS-Hub 2023, deadline October 16th 2022

Dear colleagues, We are pleased to invite your contributions to the panel ‘What makes data circulation possible?’ which will take place during the first STS-hub.de. The conference (STS-hub.de) takes place on 15-17 March 2023 at …

Call for Abstracts: Walkshop “Circulating Referees – Looking for Irritations with Spaces and Places of Science” at STS-Hub 2023, deadline October 16th 2022

Call for Abstracts: Walkshop “Circulating Referees – Looking for Irritations with Spaces and Places of Science” at STS-Hub 2023, deadline 16.10.2022   Dear colleagues, We invite abstracts for the panel “Circulating Referees – Looking for …

Call for Abstracts: Panel “Circulations between STS and the arts” at STS-Hub 2023, deadline October 16th 2022

Since the early years of Science and Technology Studies, there have been strong links between STS and the literary, visual and performative arts, and circulations between the two have undergone a fruitful trajectory: Institutionally most …