Kategorie: Call for …

Call for Papers: Exploring Sozio-Technical Research. A Multi-Method and Transdisciplinary Workshop, 22.-23. September 2022, TU Dresden

Striving to understand the dynamic and ambivalent relations in contemporary societies, both social scientists and IT researchers increasingly explore socio-technical approaches, multi-method designs and cooperative work. Socio-technical approaches and theories, such as Grounded Design, experience …

Call for Papers: Conference “Translating Digital Transformations”, Ludwig-Uhland-Institut in Tübingen

The Ludwig-Uhland-Institut in Tübingen invites you to a bilingual conference (German/English) on “Translating Digital Transformation: Reflections on the Relevance of Anthropological Knowledge in Digital Societies” from February 28 to March 2, 2023. The introduction of …

Veranstaltung & Call for Abstracts: Large-Scale Experiments: Reflecting on Theories and Practices, 8.-10.12.22, Karlsruhe

International conference Large-Scale Experiments – Reflecting on Theories and Practices 2nd International Conference of the Research Unit “The Epistemology of the LHC” Date: December 8-10, 2022 Venue: TRIANGEL Open Space, Karlsruhe, Germany Contact: elhcconference@uni-wuppertal.de Website: …

Call for Abstracts: Productive Processes – Sustainable Transitions for Urban Industrial Lands, pNd – rethinking planning

pNd – rethinking planning is a platform hosted by the Chair of Planning Theory and Urban Development (Faculty of Architecture, RWTH Aachen University) with the aim of strengthening knowledge sharing and dialogue between disciplines as …

Call for Abstracts: Einladung zur Einreichung von Beitragsvorschlägen, “Soziologie und Nachhaltigkeit – Beiträge zur sozial-ökologischen Transformationsforschung”

Das Open-Access “Soziologie und Nachhaltigkeit – Beiträge zur sozial-ökologischen Transformationsforschung” (SuN) lädt herzlich dazu ein, Abstracts für Beitragsvorschläge einzureichen. Thematisch können sich die Beiträge im gesamten Spektrum der soziologischen Nachhaltigkeitsforschung ansiedeln. Die bisherigen Ausgaben konzentrierten sich u.a. …

Call for Abstracts: Large-Scale Experiments: Reflecting on Theories and Practices – Deadline extended to June 30

International conference Large-Scale Experiments – Reflecting on Theories and Practices 2nd International Conference of the Research Unit “The Epistemology of the LHC” Date: December 8-10, 2022 Venue: TRIANGEL Open Space, Karlsruhe, Germany Contact: elhcconference@uni-wuppertal.de Website: …

Call for Papers: Imagining alternative data futures: resistance, subversion and adaption (Young Scholar’s Forum) for the 3rd Vienna Anthropology Days aka VANDA 2022 Conference (September 26 – 30, 2022)

Short Abstract: We invite works which explore and subvert the socio-material constitutions, infrastructures and rationales of the datafication of public health, including, but not limited to, biometric data relations. Abstract: Digital technologies are central in …

Call for Papers: Doing Kinship by Doing Law? (DIGITALE TAGUNG – 09. UND 10. DEZEMBER 2022)

DIGITALE TAGUNG – 09. UND 10. DEZEMBER 2022 ZUR ALLTAGSBEDEUTUNG VON RECHT IN VERWANDTSCHAFTLICHEN KONTEXTEN Abstracts im Umfang von bis zu 300 Wörtern zuzüglich einer biographischen Kurznotiz von bis zu 100 Wörtern werden bis zum 29. Juli 2022 angenommen. …