Kategorie: Call for …

Call for Papers: EASST 2022; – Open Panel »Meaningful Human Control? Sociotechnical Imaginaries of AI, Drone Swarms and the Future of Warfare«, Madrid, July 6-9th, 2022

You are welcome, to submit a proposal for the open panel on »Meaningful Human Control? Sociotechnical Imaginaries of AI, Drone Swarms and the Future of Warfare« at this year’s conference of the European Association for …

Call for Abstracts: Extended Deadline Call // For the panel “Inclusion and Exclusion in Citizen Science” at the STS Graz 2022 Conference in Graz, Austria (2-4 May 2022)

The 20th Annual STS Conference Graz 2022 „Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies“ is the joint Annual Conference of the Science Technology and Society Unit of the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data …

Call for Papers: Tagung “E_Valuate! Gestaltungsspielräume & Wertkonflikte in soziodigitalen Bewertungsinfrastrukturen”

Call for Papers: E_Valuate! Gestaltungsspielräume & Wertkonflikte in soziodigitalen Bewertungsinfrastrukturen, ITeG, Universität Kassel Datum 19./20. Mai 2022, Einreichungsfrist: 1. März 2022 Ort Wissenschaftliches Zentrum für Informationstechnik-Gestaltung (ITeG), Universität Kassel Die Tagung wird veranstaltet vom „Wissenschaftlichen …

Call for Papers: Rethinking the Epigenome: Research, Risk and Responsibility in Postgenomic Times June 13 – 15, 2022, Munich

Dear colleagues, We are very pleased to invite you to submit papers to our conference “Rethinking the Epigenome: Research, Risk and Responsibility in Postgenomic Times”, June 13 – 15, 2022, in Munich. Organisation: Prof. Ruth …

Call for Abstracts: For the panel “Inclusion and Exclusion in Citizen Science” at the STS Graz 2022 Conference in Graz, Austria (2-4 May 2022)

The 20th Annual STS Conference Graz 2022 „Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies“ is the joint Annual Conference of the Science Technology and Society Unit of the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data …

Call for Abstracts: „Die Zukunft der Endlagerung. Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen nach einer Standortentscheidung”, TATuP-Thema in Heft 3/2022

Call for Abstracts: „Die Zukunft der Endlagerung. Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen nach einer Standortentscheidung” TATuP-Thema in Heft 3/2022. Abgabetermin für Ihr Abstract: 18. Februar 2022 Gastherausgeber*innen dieses TATuP-Themas: Ulrich Smeddinck (ITAS), Anne Eckhardt (Risicare, Schweiz), Sophie …

Call for Abstracts: VAD conference – Re-wiring Africa: How do quests for scientific progress and for decoloniality resonate with each other?

Accounting for how Africa is being wired into global modernizing projects and the language of scientific universals, this panel asks how postcolonial critique might change when getting close to technoscientific practice and how inversely ongoing …

Call for Abstracts: “How do democracies die?” The 6th Navigating Knowledge Landscapes’ Annual Conference, University of Vienna

The Centre for the Study of Contemporary Solidarity (CeSCoS) at the University of Vienna would like to invite you to submit abstracts for the 6th Navigating Knowledge Landscapes‘ Annual Conference: “How do democracies die?”. Conference …

Call for Abstracts: “Trust (erosion) in AI regulation. Dimensions, Drivers, Contradictions?” at the STS conference in Graz, 4-6 May 2022

Current literature on ethics of AI suggests that trust in AI is a multifaceted phenomenon, owing to the inherent properties of big data applications, which include phenomena such as opacity (black boxing), problems of optimization …