Kategorie: Call for …

Call for Papers: Collection “Rethinking human-technology relations”, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, Deadline: 13.11.2023

Call for Papers – Article Collection (Humanities & Social Sciences Communications) Rethinking human-technology relations Human-technology relations (HTR) are of crucial interest in the humanities and social sciences. In sociology, philosophy, cultural studies, media studies, and …

Call for Papers: Special issue of “The February Journal” “‘Hope’ to Solve Some ‘Problems’ Here? Investigations into the Agentive Potential of Ambiguous Terms”, Deadline: 15.11.2023

Please consider contributing to a special issue of The February Journal entitled “‘Hope’ to Solve Some ‘Problems’ Here? Investigations into the Agentive Potential of Ambiguous Terms” and edited by Isabel Bredenbröker (CARMAH & HZK, Humboldt-Universität …

Call for Papers/Call for Participation: Workshop “Pluralizing the Transformation to Sustainability”, 26-27.10.2023, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Deadline: 31.08.2023

We are pleased to announce a collaborative workshop on the topic of ‘Pluralizing the Transformation to Sustainability‘, organized by the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) and the Research Cluster ‘Transformation Research’ …

Call for Papers: “Digital Hermeneutics II: Sources, Analyses, Interpretation, Annotation, and Curation”, Annual Conference of the Research Cluster digital_culture, 23.-24.11.2023, Frankfurt a. M., Deadline: 15.09.2023

Call for Papers Digital Hermeneutics II: Sources, Analysis, Interpretation, Annotation, and Curation Annual Conference of the Research Cluster digital_culture at the FernUniversität in Hagen 23./24. November 2023, Frankfurt am Main Deadline for Abstracts: 15.09.2023 Digitization …

Call for Papers: Collection “(Trans)nationally mandated digital solutions in healthcare: Development, implementation, adoption and failure”, Deadline: 31.12.2023

The digital transformation of healthcare is a complex undertaking. Integration of diverse stakeholders, (trans-)national interdependencies and ethical considerations are among the challenges in the digitalization process. Various digital instruments, such as electronic health records, have …

Call for Papers: “Klimawelten. Wissenschaft, Technik und Gesellschaft im Dauerumbau?”, GWTF Jahrestagung 2023, 16.-17.11.2023, TU Dortmund, Deadline: 04.08.2023

Call for Papers, GWTF Jahrestagung 2023 Klimawelten Wissenschaft, Technik und Gesellschaft im Dauerumbau? Organisation: Stefan Böschen, Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda, Jan-Hendrik Passoth, Cornelius Schubert 16. und 17. November 2023, TU Dortmund Der Klimawandel betrifft Wissenschaft, Technik und …

Call for Papers: TATuP Special Topic “The ambivalence of emergent technologies: Malevolent creativity and civil security”, Deadline: 01.09.2023

Call for Abstracts: “The ambivalence of emergent technologies: Malevolent creativity and civil security” TATuP Special topic in issue 2, 2024. Deadline: 01. September 2023. Please read the complete CfA (PDF) here. Guest editors of this …

Call for Papers: [Call for Posters] International Conference on “Trusting in care technology or reliance on socio-technical constellation?”, 15.-16.02.2024, Universität Oldenburg, Deadline: 31.08.2023

[CALL FOR POSTERS] International Conference on “Trusting in care technology or reliance on socio-technical constellation?” In recent years, there has been a thrust towards bringing robotic and AI technologies into the realm of healthcare, as …

Call for Papers: “Leakage”, Inaugural Conference of stsing, TU Dresden, 19.-22.03.2024, Deadline: 15.10.2023

Call for Papers Leakage reveals cracks and holes; it signifies porosity, the transgression of a boundary, and a rebuke to fantasies of closure and containment. Unlike a sudden spill or a violent burst, leaks are …

Call for Participation: “Mit Neuen Materialismen qualitativ forschen?“ Theorie-Methoden-Workshop mit Cornelia Schadler und Josef Barla, 14.09 – 15.09.2023, TU Dresden, Deadline: 30.06.2023

Call for Participation: “Mit Neuen Materialismen qualitativ forschen?“ Theorie-Methoden-Workshop mit Cornelia Schadler und Josef Barla Theorie, Methode und Empirie gehen in qualitativen Forschungen heterogene, komplexe und mitunter spannungsgeladene Verbindungen ein. Qualitativ-methodische Herangehensweisen sind verwoben mit …