Kategorie: Veranstaltung

Veranstaltung: Lecture by Massimiano Bucchi – Science communication as the social conversation around science on the 16.02.2021

Di / 18:00 Massimiano Bucchi, University of Trento Virtual Lecture The talk reviews recent trends in science communication research and theoretical discussion, proposing an inclusive definition of science communication as the social conversation around science. It …

Veranstaltung: Open panel @4S: Lacking Agency, Legitimacy, Or Care – Conspiracy, Coterie, Contagion And Other Not-so-good Relations (virtual)

Open panel at 4S (Oct 6-9, virtual).  “Lacking Agency, Legitimacy, Or Care—Conspiracy, Coterie, Contagion And Other Not-so-good Relations” (open panel @4S). Goodness is fickle. Goodness is fragile, Martha Nussbaum has argued; and it is potent. …

Veranstaltung: (virtuelle) INUAS Tagung “Urbane Transformationen”

Die INUAS Tagungsreihe „Urbane Transformationen” Mit der Tagungsreihe „Urbane Transformationen: Wohnen | Ressourcen | Öffentliche Räume” wollen die Netzwerkpartner sich der Frage widmen, welche politischen, gesellschaftlichen und ökonomischen Perspektiven und Interessen mit Lebensqualität verbunden sind …

Veranstaltung: STS communities in Germany discussing a meeting/gathering of STS scholars across the communities in Germany

In Germany several organisations are starting a conversation and process towards organising some form of STSy conference (for 2021) that tries to be inclusive of scholars from various (inter)disciplines. The format of such a gathering …

Veranstaltung: Talk Marine Social Science at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research Bremen

Date:  20 January 2021 (Wednesday), 10:45-11:45 Speaker: Dr. Tanja Bogusz Abstract: Research environments in biological and sociological field sciences are created through experimental situations where established experiences meet often unforeseen trials and the need for …

Veranstaltung: “Playing with method: Game design as ethnographic research”, a series of live-streamed events at the HU Berlin

The Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology (HU Berlin) would like to invite you to all to “Playing with method: Game design as ethnographic research”, a series of live-streamed events that will be hosting on 14.1.2021, 28.1.2021 & 11.2.2021. “In this …

Veranstaltung: Interviewserie „Wissenschaften in Zeiten der Pandemie” des Leopoldina-Zentrums für Wissenschaftsforschung (ZfW)

Die durch das SARS-CoV-2-Virus verursachte Pandemie verändert nicht nur unseren Alltag, unser Sozialleben, die Ökonomie und das Gesundheitssystem. Auch die Wissenschaften selbst stehen vor möglicherweise gravierenden Veränderungen. In der Interviewserie „Wissenschaften in Zeiten der Pandemie” des Leopoldina-Zentrums für Wissenschaftsforschung (ZfW) spricht der Wissenschaftsjournalist Jan-Martin Wiarda mit renommierten Wissenschaftlerinnen …

Veranstaltung: International conference: 5-7 November 2020 – The relationship between architecture and metaphors

We commonly and ubiquitously use architectural metaphors in both everyday speech as well as various professional contexts. Yet we rarely, if at all, register this connection when we talk, for example, about software architects, thought …