
Call for Papers: Workshop “Mere labels, racial concepts, or scientific methods? The politics, epistemologies and ethics of naming populations in the life sciences and beyond” on 30th/31st March 2023 in Freiburg, deadline January 6th 2023

Call for Workshop Papers & Articles Mere labels, racial concepts, or scientific methods? The politics, epistemologies and ethics of naming populations in the life sciences and beyond The life sciences often think of human biological …

Debate: Statement by members of stsing e.V. on “Abuses of power, #MeTooSTS and how #WeDoSTS?”

Statement: Abuses of power, #MeTooSTS and how #WeDoSTS? Please find a joint statement by a growing group of members of stsing e.V. concerning current debates of reported harassment and abuse within the community of STS scholars and a call …

Stellenangebot: Stu­den­ti­sche*r Mit­ar­bei­ter*in im Team Pro­gram­meva­lua­tion am BIH QUEST Cen­ter der Cha­rité Ber­lin

Cha­rité Uni­ver­si­täts­me­di­zin Ber­lin – Ber­lin Insti­tute of Health Stu­den­ti­sche*r Mit­ar­bei­ter*in im Team Pro­gram­meva­lua­tion am BIH QUEST Cen­ter der Cha­rité Ber­lin gesucht. Ziel des Cen­ters ist die Stär­kung von For­schungs­qua­li­tät in der Bio­me­di­zin im Kon­text von …

Stellenangebot: Promotionsstellen (65%) im Projekt “Mine ReWIR” am Human Technology Center (HumTec) RWTH Aachen

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) Projekt “Mine ReWIR” HumTec koordiniert das Projekt “Mine ReWIR”. Darin wird gemeinsam mit Unternehmen im Rheinischen Revier, die als Zulieferer und Dienstleister des Braunkohletagebaus betroffen sind, ein Innovationsökosystem entwickelt, in dem ein …

Stellenangebot: 12 Doctoral Researchers (f/m/d) at the Cooperative Graduate School “Accessibility through AI-based Assistive Technology” in Karlsruhe

12 Doctoral Researchers (f/m/d) in Computational Science and Accessibility Karlsruhe- Cooperative Graduate School Accessibility through AI-based Assistive Technology – Job Description The Cooperative Graduate School Accessibility through AI-based Assistive Technology (KATE – is a new …

Stellenangebot: PostDoc in digital humanities (100%) for the project “Network epistemology in practice” at TU Berlin

Research assistant – PostDoc in digital humanities – salary grade E 13 TV-L Berliner Hochschulen The project “Network epistemology in practice (NEPI)”, funded by the European Research Council (ERC) through a Consolidator Grant to Adrian …

Stellenangebot: Research associate (65%) in the DFG-project “4D Imaging: From Image Theory to Image Practice” at the University of Bonn

Starting at the earliest date possible and preliminarily limited to 36 months, the Institute for Language, Media and Music Studies, Department of Media Studies of the Faculty of Art is seeking a Research associate (65%). …

Stellenangebot: Wissenschaftliche*r Informationsmanager*in (100%) an der Universitätsbibliothek der Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Für die Universitätsbibliothek suchen wir im Bereich Geistes- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften und für das Digital Humanities Center (DHC) ab dem nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt befristet zur Elternzeitvertretung bis voraussichtlich 31.01.2024 in Vollzeit (39,83 Std./Wo.) eine*n Wissenschaftliche*n Informationsmanager*in (m/w/d).   Wissenschaftliche*n …

Stellenangebot: Professor (W2, tenure track) of Sociology with a Focus on Environmental Sociology at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

Goethe University Frankfurt am Main invites applications for the position of Professor (W2, tenure track) of Sociology with a Focus on Environmental Sociology in the Institute of Social Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences. …