
Call for Abstracts: VAD conference – Re-wiring Africa: How do quests for scientific progress and for decoloniality resonate with each other?

Accounting for how Africa is being wired into global modernizing projects and the language of scientific universals, this panel asks how postcolonial critique might change when getting close to technoscientific practice and how inversely ongoing …

Call for Abstracts: “How do democracies die?” The 6th Navigating Knowledge Landscapes’ Annual Conference, University of Vienna

The Centre for the Study of Contemporary Solidarity (CeSCoS) at the University of Vienna would like to invite you to submit abstracts for the 6th Navigating Knowledge Landscapes‘ Annual Conference: “How do democracies die?”. Conference …

Call for Abstracts: “Trust (erosion) in AI regulation. Dimensions, Drivers, Contradictions?” at the STS conference in Graz, 4-6 May 2022

Current literature on ethics of AI suggests that trust in AI is a multifaceted phenomenon, owing to the inherent properties of big data applications, which include phenomena such as opacity (black boxing), problems of optimization …

Stellenangebot: Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (w/m/d) (65%) am Institut für Ethnologie und Kulturwissenschaft, Universität Bremen

An der Universität Bremen im Institut für Ethnologie und Kulturwissenschaft (IfEK) ist eine WiMI-Stelle (%65) im Bereich der politischen Anthropologie und Digitalisierung ausgeschrieben. Gesucht wird eine*n Nachwuchswissenschaftler*in (w/m/d) nach Master / vor Promotion, der*die an …

Stellenangebot: Phd/Postdoc position (f/m/d) (100%) for reflecting on the societal impacts of intelligent systems, University of Stuttgart

The University of Stuttgart invites applications for Ph.D. or Postdoc positions (f/m/d) (TV-L 13, up to 100%) for the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems. The University’s new interdisciplinary, interfaculty Interchange Forum for Reflecting …

Call for Papers: Conference “Rethinking the Epigenome: Research, Risk and Responsibility in Postgenomic Times”, June 13-15, 2022, Technical University of Munich

Rethinking the Epigenome: Research, Risk and Responsibility in Postgenomic Time, June 13 – 15, 2022, Munich Organisation: Prof. Ruth Müller (Technical University of Munich), Dr. Michael Penkler (University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt), Sophia Rossmann …

Call for Papers: Understanding the challenges of digital societies – Social-Science Track at the IDSF 2022, 01.06.2022, Vienna

The Vienna Centre for Societal Security (VICESSE) and the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) are happy to announce their collaboration to host a new Social-Science Track on the 1st June 2022 at the International Digital …

Call for Papers: Reminder “The realities of autonomous weapons” planned with Bristol University Press 2023

The realities of autonomous weapons Call for contributions Edited volume (under discussion with Bristol University Press) Submission deadline: 10 January 2022 Papers on the following larger themes are invited: Fictions and imaginaries around AWS, including …