
Call for Applications: Spring School “The History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Large Physics Experiments”, Wuppertal (13-20 March 2022)

The Research Unit “The Epistemology of the LHC” invites applications for the Spring School “The History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Large Physics Experiments” taking place 13-20 March 2022 in Wuppertal (Germany). Large experiments such as …

Call for Papers: Technikhistorisches Nachwuchsforum der GTG, GTG-Jahrestagung 2022

Call for Papers: Technikhistorisches Nachwuchsforum der GTG (Im Rahmen der GTG–Jahrestagung, 20.–22.5.2022 in der KZ–Gedenkstätte Mittelbau–Dora, Nordhausen–Technik im Nationalsozialismus) Die Gesellschaft für Technikgeschichte (GTG) veranstaltet in regelmäßigen Abständen das Technikhistorische Nachwuchsforum für fortgeschrittene Studierende, Promovierende …

Call for Abstracts: International Conference on Engaging Ethics and Epistemology in Science (EES 2022)

The Call for Abstracts for the International Conference on Engaging Ethics and Epistemology in Science (EES 2022) is now open. Please see the conference website for the Call for Abstracts and more information. Deadline for …

Veranstaltung: BUA-Symposium “Challenges for Research Integrity” am 24.11.2021, Berlin and online

First international symposium of the Berlin University Alliance on November 24, 2021 “Challenges for research integrity: Diversity and universalism, evidence and reflexivity” Hosted by the Objective 3 – Advancing Research Quality and Value The conference …

Veranstaltung: Sarah S. Richardson (Havard University) “The Maternal Imprint: Epigenetics and the Contested Science of Maternal-Fetal Effects”, 22. November 2021, TU Munich and online

Sarah S. Richardson on The Maternal Imprint: Epigenetics and the Contested Science of Maternal-Fetal Effects Monday, November 22, 2021, 6:00 – 8:00pm (CEST) at Hörsaal 605, TU Munich, Marsstr. 20–22 (sixth floor), Munich and via …

Veranstaltung: 5. DITES Open – Projekte an der Schnittstelle von Digitalisierung und Sozialer Arbeit am 17.11.2021, TH Köln (online)

5. DITES Open am 17.11.2021 von 16-18 Uhr (online) Projekte an der Schnittstelle von Digitalisierung und Sozialer Arbeit. Einblicke und Austausch für interessierte Organisationen, Forschende, Studierende und Praktiker*innen DITES Open ist eine offene Veranstaltung, die …

Veranstaltung: „Wiederholen, imitieren, verschieben: Neomaterialistische Ethnographien“, Kolloquium des Instituts für Soziologie am 15.11.2021, TU Dresden (online)

„Wiederholen, imitieren, verschieben: Neomaterialistische Ethnographien“ – Vortrag von Dr. Cornelia Schadler (Uni Wien) Kolloquium des Instituts für Soziologie im Wintersemester 2021/22, TU Dresden Montag, 15.11.2021, 18.30 – 20.00 Uhr via Zoom „Forschungen aus der Perspektive …

Stellenangebot: Senior Scientist position (postdoc, 3 years, 100%) in social studies of science, or science & technology studies, Universität Klagenfurt

The University of Klagenfurt is pleased to announce the following open position at the Department of Science Communication and Higher Education Research at the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, with an expected starting date of January …

Stellenangebot: 11 research positions (100%) (Phd and Postdoc), Science of Intelligence Berlin

Call for applications – Science of Intelligence Berlin – Cluster of Excellence Call for 11 research positions (Phd and Postdoc) Application deadline: 25 November 2021 23:59 h CET Cross-disciplinary research in artificial intelligence, machine learning, …

Call for Papers: Issue 01/2023 of Digital Culture and Society: “Taming digital practices – On the domestication of data-driven technologies”

Please find attached a call for papers for a special issue of Digital Culture and Society (edited by David Waldecker, Niklas Strüver, Tanja Ertl and Tim Hector) on “Taming digital practices” with an integrated author’s …