Stellenangebot: ERC-funded PhD-position (65%) at TU Berlin

An der TU-Berlin ist an der Fachgruppe Wissenschaftsgeschichte eine Stelle (65%) als wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (Arbeitssprache Englisch) zu besetzen. Bewerbungsfrist ist der 04.10.2019, Ansprechpartnerin ist Prof. Dr. Maria Rentetzi

Auszug aus der Stellenausschreibung:

HRP-IAEA addresses the cent­ral ques­tion of how the Inter­na­tional Atomic Energy Agency, a dip­lo­matic and polit­ical inter­na­tional organ­iz­a­tion, came to dom­in­ate sci­entific insti­tu­tions with a long tra­di­tion in radi­ation pro­tec­tion. For more info on the over­all scope of the pro­ject see

In the con­text of HRP-IAEA the suc­cess­ful applic­ant will research IAEA’s pro­grams of tech­nical assist­ance (TA) and explore the over­laps of sci­ence and dip­lomacy in decid­ing on the par­ti­cip­at­ing coun­tries and in pri­or­it­iz­ing research themes. The pro­ject’s object­ive that the suc­cess­ful applic­ant is called to ful­fill is to retrace the inter­na­tional his­tory of radi­ation pro­tec­tion after World War II, focus­ing espe­cially on the Tech­nical Assist­ance Pro­grams of the IAEA.

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