Stellenangebot: International Fellowships, Deutsches Schifffahrtmuseum

Das Deutsche Schifffahrtmuseum – Leibniz-Institut für Maritime Geschichte schreibt mehrere Stipendien sowohl auf Praedoc- als auch auf Postdoc-Level aus. Diese richten sich an Personen, die sich für interdisziplinäre und gegenstandsbezogene Forschung interessieren und gerne an der Entstehung einer neuen Ausstellung zur kulturellen und politischen Bedeutung der Beziehung von Mensch und Meer teilhaben wollen.

Aus der Ausschreibung:

International fellows will be granted a stipend, to be determined according to the candidate’s level of education, the length of the fellowship and the quality of the proposed project. All travel costs will be included in the stipend. The fellow will be part of the museum’s team, will obtain access to the museum’s collections and will have the opportunity to organize workshops in cooperation with the museum. The fellow will be encouraged to engage actively in interdisciplinary forums and academic teaching, and will also be an active part of the museum’s outreach programme.


The scope of the fellowship will consist in choosing one or a group of artefacts or records of archival material in order to assess its source value and to investigate their significance for the history of humankind’s relationship with seas and oceans. Moreover the researcher would help to develop innovative forms of science communication around technical artefacts both in the framework of the future overall exhibition of the German Maritime Museum as well as during the project itself. Thus, the fellow will be asked to both contribute to the exhibition planning and the evaluation of the archival and material collection.

Weitere Details insbesondere zum Bewerbungsprozess finden sich in der Ausschreibung. Bewerbungsfrist ist der 15.12.2019.