Veranstaltung: Rustlab Opening, 13.06.2024, 16:00, MB4/165 @RUB Campus

Since 2019 the RUSTlab – Ruhr University Science & Technology Studies Lab – has been a vibrant place for more-than-academic exchanges about the social and cultural inscriptions and agencies of knowledge and technologies in times of uncertain futures. The RUSTlab has become a space for experimenting with collective dreams for how knowledge practices and (mostly digital) technologies can be infrastructured in more caring and response-able ways. Beyond the international RUSTlab Lectures, we have organised data walks, DIY data workspaces, book launches and more:

But we have never officially opened, nor celebrated the lab. Recently, the RUSTlab moved to wonderful new locations in the MB building on the RUB campus, which we take as an occasion to officially open the lab. Please join the celebration on
Thursday 13 June 2024 16 hrs in MB 4/165 @RUB Campus  
There will be snacks, drinks, good atmosphere and several labby activities to try out.

You are warmly invited.
We would appreciate a notification on by 8 June.